Aria Group Part Company with a 10-year experience in commercial affairs, sending and receiving business delegations, holding specialized pavilions in international exhibitions by obtaining permission from government organizations in all countries, provides infrastructure facilities for holding commercial and marketing exhibitions and the export bridge. And imports are in international markets.
If you are looking for the types of business tour, the benefits of participating in the tour, how to participate in the business tour, and looking to choose the best business tour, our experts are ready to give you any free advice.
At Aria Group Part, we will provide you with the necessary advice in various fields, including: obtaining a visa, obtaining a booth and participating in an exhibition, registering a brand, registering a company, obtaining a business card, obtaining various types of establishment permits and certificates. .
Please leave your name, email and message to us so that we can contact you as soon as possible and give you the necessary advice.
شرایط ثبت نام تور
واریز مبلغ 50.000.000 ریال (5 میلیون تومان ) به شماره کارت 6037-6976-4015-9494 بانک صادرات به نام آقای سید هاشم فاطمی در زمان ثبت نام و ارسال فیش واریزی جهت تهیه دعوتنامه رسمی از نمایشگاه .
(این مبلغ در صورتی که دعوتنامه اخذ گردد و مسافر اعلام انصراف سفر کند قابل بازگشت نمی باشد .)
تعهدات مسافر
مبلغ ضمانت نامه برای افراد زیر 30 سال ریال
مبلغ ضمانت نامه برای افراد مجرد بالای 30 سال معادل ریال
مبلغ ضمانت نامه برای زوج ها هر نفر 3.500.000.000 ریال
تعهدات مجری :